RSP Has a Brand New Website

We have many samples of our work, details on our promo solutions, promotion flows and you can even win (virtual!) prizes by trying out our instant win games!

We’d love to get any feedback you have, and of course, if you’re thinking about doing an online giveaway or instant win game, we’d love to hear about it.

We’re also going to be sending out a few emails a month that we believe will provide you with some great information about online promotions in general and about the latest, greatest from the RSP Promotion Engine.  Here’s the two emails we’ll be sending:

Winning Plays (monthly) – Once a month we will focus on  a single topic from the world of online promotions.  We’re confident  these “tips and tricks” will give you lots of valuable information to think  about for your next promotion, whether you use RSP or not.

RSP R&D (monthly)– These emails will highlight a unique feature of the RSP Promotion Engine and will explain the benefits of incorporating that feature in a promotion.

Setting Expectations

Your client paid some good money to add an online Promotional Giveaway as part of their splashy, new campaign. Setting clear and reasonable expectations with the client will help you get credit when things go well and will provide added context when it comes time to measure your results.

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The Instant Win Game

Typically, the Instant Win game is paired with a Grand Prize Drawing, although that is not required.  The entrant enters their vitals, email, first, last, etc., and then they have a page with a wheel, match cards or a slot machine.  They then spin the wheel, flip the cards, or spin the reels and they win or lose. 

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Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Mistakes are part of life, and none of us are perfect. Now that we have that out of the way, over the years we’ve learned (sometimes the hard way) about some things to watch out for as you execute your next online promo.

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Pick Your Prize

In any promotion with a drawing, RSP’s engine can integrate a “Pick Your Prize” module. Before the entrant fills out their entry form, they are asked to choose which prize they would like to win in the drawing at the end of the promotion.

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Promos That Educate Your Customers

At its core, marketing is about educating customers and potential customers about a brand and products. People need to understand what your client’s company is all about before they can fall in love with it.

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