RSP Has a Brand New Website

We have many samples of our work, details on our promo solutions, promotion flows and you can even win (virtual!) prizes by trying out our instant win games!

We’d love to get any feedback you have, and of course, if you’re thinking about doing an online giveaway or instant win game, we’d love to hear about it.

We’re also going to be sending out a few emails a month that we believe will provide you with some great information about online promotions in general and about the latest, greatest from the RSP Promotion Engine.  Here’s the two emails we’ll be sending:

Winning Plays (monthly) – Once a month we will focus on  a single topic from the world of online promotions.  We’re confident  these “tips and tricks” will give you lots of valuable information to think  about for your next promotion, whether you use RSP or not.

RSP R&D (monthly)– These emails will highlight a unique feature of the RSP Promotion Engine and will explain the benefits of incorporating that feature in a promotion.

Adding Coupons To Your Promo

There are various ways of incorporating coupons into your next online promotion. First, coupons can be a great “thanks for playing” incentive – you can send an email to everyone who enters with a percentage off coupon.

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Gift With Purchase

We ran across so many people that wanted to do this that we built it right into our platform!  It’s not a sweepstakes or a contest, but it is a promotion and a very effective one. 

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The Power of Repeating

Most people we asked that question said either Publisher’s Clearinghouse or McDonalds Monopoly. Why do you think that is? Well, for one thing … television! But really, it’s because those promotions have been repeated for years.

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Content Delivery

As you’re running a promotion to give away some cool prizes, why not give everyone who plays some cool digital content? Sometimes this content can be the product itself. We recently did a very successful promotion with Shake It Up!

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Responsive vs Adaptive

Responsive? Adaptive? What are you crazy geeks talking about?
There is a method in website design and development called “Responsive Design”. What this means is that the content will shrink down in a clean way to fit on a phone. This works great most of the time. However, there is another method called “Adaptive Design”.

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The Importance of Activation

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it… Well, if a promotion lands on the internet and no one is told it is there, then it most certainly won’t make a sound. We in the industry call this “activation”, and it simply means getting the word out about a promotion.

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